My Websites – Academic

Wesley Wildman’s Weird Wild World Wide Web Page


This site is vast and diverse, containing materials (often student produced) so support the study of philosophy, theology, ethics, religious studies, and science-religion issues.

Boston University Doctoral Programs in Religious Thought


This site describes the doctoral and masters programs in Religious Thought, otherwise known as Track 2, in the Division of Religious and Theological Studies within Boston University’s Graduate School. This program includes the study of philosophy of religion, philosophical theology, systematic theology, historical theology, comparative theology, and philosophical ethics.

Boston University Doctoral Programs in Theology


This site describes the doctoral program in Theology through the School of Theology at Boston University. This program includes the study of philosophical theology, systematic theology, historical theology, and comparative theology.

Boston University Doctoral Programs in Religion and Science


This site describes the doctoral and masters programs in Religion and Science, otherwise known as Track 4, in the Division of Religious and Theological Studies within Boston University’s Graduate School. This is a uniquely intensive multidisciplinary program that integrates the sciences and humanities for the sake of the study of aspects of religion.